Call Us, Free & Confidential 0800 773 424 Daytime, Afterhours & Saturdays.


Talk to someone at Pregnancy Choice

Though your situation may feel hopeless, you are not alone. Talking with someone who isn’t emotionally involved can help. Our trained and experienced supporters are available to help you work through your options and provide support. We are happy to chat, over the phone, or meet with you in person.

Opening Hours

Pregnancy Choice Centres like ....

are typically open
Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm and Saturday 10am - 1pm.
Please go to Locations to find the specific opening hours of a centre near you.
Call or text now for free confidential help.
Phone: 07 571 0984 or
Helpline: 0800 PREG CHOICE (0800 773 424)
Daytime, After hours & Saturdays

Text: 027 2228871
Send us an Email:

Or chat with us online - see bottom righthand corner of your screen.

Become a partner with, or a supporter of Pregnancy Choice

There are many ways you can help us with our mahi.